Andrea Semeredi

Entry position:
Payment Counter Cashier

Current position:
Team leader and Accounting Department Associate

How long have you been with the company?

7 years.

What are your experiences from the beginning of your career at MaxBet?

The beginning of my career at MaxBet was at the end of 2015.

As a graduating student from the Faculty of Economics, I started working at the payment counter. When a position in the accounting department opened up within the company through an internal competition, I applied and soon began gaining my first professional experience in the field. And now, it has been 7 years.

What are your experiences today?

Hard work, organization, responsibility, and loyalty undoubtedly lead to professional development. The department I work in involves a high level of responsibility because accounting is the “right hand” of the business.

My long-term goal is to work in a company that aims to grow and expand, and MaxBet has been providing me with exactly that opportunity for years.