
We firmly believe that a person should feel good in their job. That’s why we are unwaveringly dedicated to creating an atmosphere where every team member feels welcome, respected, and inspired to work and create.


Employee testimonials

Experiences speak louder than anything else:

I love working at MaxBet because of the culture that encourages transparency, efficiency, career development, and teamwork.
RANKA MANDIĆ Director of the Logistics and Procurement Department
I love working at MaxBet because of the great relationships I have with my colleagues. Thanks to that, I come to work every morning with a smile on my face and the energy for new challenges.
MARKO PETROVIĆ Regional Director of the Belgrade Region
I've been working at MaxBet for several months now. I appreciate the support and motivation I receive from my colleagues. It further motivates me to give my best and improve my skills.
TAMARA LUKIĆ Business Assistant

Otkrijte mogućnosti za karijeru

Istražite trenutno otvorene pozicije u našoj kompaniji na tržištima Srbije, Republike Srpske, Crne Gore i Severne Makedonije.